the spiritual practice of planting trees

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the world began

with a bang

with intelligent design

with life

I don't know how

I don't know when

I don't really care

what I know for sure is that 

my existence today

is thanks to 

the passing

and passing

and passing 

of words





life on this planet

one long relay race

of passing the baton from one to the next


"take this"

"do this"

"tend this"

"keep this safe"

"pay attention to this"

"this is what matters"

"protect this"

"remember this"

carrying the baton

of what we've been told

what we've learned

how we've grown

and then, passing it on to someone else

maybe it's a child

maybe it's the world more broadly

to animals

to plants that grow and carry life within them 

the next generation

of life carriers

it is unlikely that I will ever birth 

a child from my womb

but I am committed to birthing

so much life into this world

transferring whatever I can

to whomever I can

to whatever I can

in any way that I can

leaving this world a little better

than it was

when it was handed to me

even if that is just this acre of land beneath my feet

how can I make this better?

more beautiful?

more fruitful?

most recently, I have been carrying my baton by planting trees

digging holes

dropping seeds

adding water

and dirt

and care

and concern

and hope

that this cottonwood tree

this poplar

this hackberry

this juniper

outlives me

by decades

the hope that these trees

grow big

and tall

and broad

that they bring birds

and butterflies


and raccoons


and relief from the heart-breaking sunshine

this is not a short game

a limited strategy

a quick fix


this is a long game

an expansive dream

a grand design

the daily watching

and watering

and tending

is a tangible and spiritual practice

that says: 

I have hope

I believe so strongly

in the capacity for life

--beyond my time here--

that will carry this baton

that will tend to these trees

I trust that you will take good care

And so I will keep





for the sake of hope


An Ode to Women