No One is Coming
No one is coming to do it for you.
To start your business.
To write that song bouncing around in your brain.
To put that paint color on the wall.
To ask that question.
To share that idea.
No one is coming.
No one is coming to give you permission to wear that crop top.
That hat.
That lip color.
That swimsuit.
Those platform heels.
That haircut.
No one is coming.
No one is coming to finally apply for adoption.
To hand you a "viral" idea.
To go to that dance class.
To tell your boss, "I quit."
To do that thing you've always wanted to do.
To talk to that girl.
No one is coming.
Permission isn't coming.
Neither is consensus.
Or agreement.
Or harmony.
No one's going to do it first.
To do it for you.
To hold your hand.
To set the tone.
To be the example.
To pave the way.
It's all you, girl.
And why not?
The boys are doing it.
"Lord, grant me the confidence of a mediocre white man"
(Sarah Hagi)
You're probably never going to feel ready.
Or feel like it's the right time.
Or feel like you're good enough.
Smart enough.
Savvy enough.
I mean, by what metric would we measure such a thing as "enough" anyway?
Because apparently, anyone can be president.
Anyone can run a multi-million dollar company.
Anyone can preach in our churches.
Anyone can decide their ideas are worth hearing
and (for better or worse) irreversibly change the/their world.
So, I ask: Why not me?
And I ask: Why not you?